Treatment Facility at Well 205
Treatment Facility at Well 205
Water Treatment Facility at Well 205
SCV Water regularly samples its groundwater wells for perchlorate and VOCs.
In 2012, testing found perchlorate and VOCs in low concentrations in Well 205, which is located at 24439 Valencia Boulevard, Valencia, CA 91355. As a result, the well was immediately removed from service.
SCV Water has identified the area near Well 205 as a location for an on-site groundwater treatment facility. The site is adjacent to the City of Santa Clarita’s McBean Regional Transit Center near the intersection of McBean Parkway and Valencia Boulevard.
The groundwater treatment facility is a $20 million investment in SCV Water’s long-term water reliability. Construction is anticipated to begin in Spring 2024 and end in Fall 2025.
Once operational, the facility would remove perchlorate and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to the State level of non-detect. Additionally, it will restore 2,700 gallons per minute (GPM), or enough on average to serve about 5,000 households annually.
Project Schedule
- Construction: Spring 2024 - Fall 2025
- Days/times: Monday through Friday during normal business hours
We will notify the community if there are any changes to the construction schedule.
Facility Stats
- 2 Treatment systems, including up to 3 pairs of VOC vessels and 2 pairs of perchlorate vessels
- 1 Washwater tank
- 2 Washwater pumps
- 1 Chemical building
- 1 New driveway
- Perimeter block wall lined with trees surrounding the facility
Community Expectations
During Construction
- All supplies and equipment will be entirely contained within the perimeter of the well property.
- Vehicles will enter/exit from the driveway on Valencia Blvd and McBean Pkwy. No vehicles or equipment will go through the adjacent neighborhoods.
- There are no planned water shutdowns during this project.
After Construction
- Most equipment will not be too visible.
- The site will have minimal operational noise.
- Trees will be planted around the facility.
- History of Well 205
SCV Water regularly samples its groundwater wells for perchlorate and VOCs. Constructed in 2000, we’ve monitored Well 205 for more than ten years. The site is adjacent to the City of Santa Clarita’s McBean Regional Transit Center near the intersection of Valencia Blvd. and McBean Parkway.
In 2012, testing found perchlorate and VOCs in low concentrations in Well 205. As a result, the well was immediately removed from service due to the detection of those contaminants.
- History of Groundwater in the SCV
Groundwater is local, sustainable and cost-effective. It is essential during droughts or when imported water is insufficient due to State mandates and regulations.
Perchlorate was first found in our water supply in 1997 due to improperly disposed waste that leaked into the groundwater and contaminated the wells. Perchlorate was used as a solid fuel component in the manufacture of munitions, fireworks, flares, and other explosives at the Whittaker-Bermite site for approximately forty years.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) were first detected in several groundwater wells in 2010. The term VOC applies to a very broad category of chemicals, both human-made and naturally occurring compounds, which can be found in many forms in the environment.
Through proven and cost-effective treatment methods, SCV Water is able to remove perchlorate (using single-use ion exchange (IX)) and VOCs (using granular activated carbon (GAC)) from our drinking water to a non-detectable level. The non-detect level is set by the California State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water.