LARC Pipeline Project
LARC Pipeline Project
LARC Ranch and Lily of the Valley
Pipeline Project, Schedule and Map

Anticipated to begin in December 2024, SCV Water will construct a 1.8-mile pipeline along Bouquet Canyon Road that will connect LARC Ranch and Lily of the Valley (LOV) to the public water system with master meters. The anticipated completion is December 2025 (about one year).
While grant funding from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) paid for the cost of an 8-inch pipeline, (the minimum size needed to serve LARC and LOV), SCV Water opted to pay for an upsize of the line from 8-inch to 12-inch so that other existing property owners adjacent to the project route, that rely on private wells, may connect now or in the future. There is no obligation for anyone, (residential or commercial/institutional) to connect to the pipeline.
Project Schedule
The anticipated project schedule is as follows:
- Bid process – June/August 2024 (completed)
- Submit final budget to State to appropriate grant funding – September 2024 (completed)
- SCV Water Board approval and construction contract award – November 2024
- Pipeline construction start – December 2024
- Construction completion – December 2025
Connect to the SCV Water Public System
SCV Water is offering existing property owners along the pipeline route the opportunity to connect to the new public water system. There is no obligation for anyone to connect to the pipeline now or in the future.
Existing property owners that have not yet requested a meter are not precluded from requesting a meter in the future. At this time, however, SCV Water cannot guarantee that requests for new meters can be accommodated as part of the pipeline construction.
The applicants will be required to pay for the cost of installing a new service line and meter, including facility capacity fees that are in effect at the time of the request. For more information on FCFs and their effective dates please visit:
For property owners that have already requested meters, SCV Water will be sending deposit letters to confirm the request, costs, and schedule.
Required Conditions
- Meters will be located on the public right of way, typically offset from the driveway entrance.
- Must install a backflow preventor on the customer side of the meter.
- Private wells can be kept for irrigation use, but domestic and irrigation water lines must be kept separate.
- Submit an Intent to Request New Water Service to SCV Water with your address and meter size
Intent to Request New Water Service - ENGLISH
Intent to Request New Water Service SPANISH
Residential Grant Funding Opportunity CLOSED
Initially, grant funding from the State was available to residents that fell within a certain household income level and was limited to installing a single one-inch meter for each property. Applications under this initial program were due September 29, 2023. The State’s program has expired and is no longer available.
Application Submission
Applications can be submitted in the following ways:
1. Email.
Please email all required documentation to SCV Water at
Subject: LARC Pipeline New Connection
2. By mail at:
ATTN: LARC Pipeline New Connection
SCV Water
26521 Summit Circle
Santa Clarita, CA 91350
3. In person, at the address listed, during business hours:
- M-Th 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
- Alternating Fridays 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Frequently Asked Questions
Connections: Is it feasible to receive service?
- I live just past the proposed project, north of LARC Ranch, and I want to connect to the system too. How can I connect?
Unfortunately, the new pipeline construction will end at the southern end of the LARC Ranch property.
Due to service limitations, the pipeline cannot be extended beyond the southern end of the LARC Ranch property. These limitations include:
- Insufficient water pressure (too low). If the water pressure is too low, your fixtures and appliances may not work properly.
- In order to address the deficiency in service pressure, SCV Water would need to construct a booster pump station and tank(s) (at elevated location) which would require land acquisition, in addition to extending the pipeline in Bouquet Canyon Road. Costs for this additional infrastructure could be several million dollars depending on location and size of the pump station and tank(s).
- I live (or own a commercial property) along Bouquet Canyon Road where the new pipeline will be constructed; however, I am quite a way off the main road. How can I connect to the new pipeline?
SCV Water's policy is to set our meter within the public right of way, typically offset from the driveway entrance. This provides ready access by SCV Water for meter readings and maintenance.
If you want to connect to SCV Water’s public water system, it is your responsibility to apply for a meter and to pay all costs associated with the service line, meter box and meter. It is also your responsibility to provide and pay for any additional onsite piping after the meter; this would include a backflow preventor, piping from the meter to the building (home or commercial business), and any booster pumps that might be needed.
- Why will some people connect to the new public water system while others won’t?
SCV Water is providing all existing property owners along the pipeline route between Lily of the Valley and LARC Ranch with an opportunity to connect into the SCV Water public water system. The goal is to provide existing residents with a reliable water supply, and some will use that opportunity to connect, while others will continue to rely on their private wells for water.
There is no obligation for anyone to connect to the pipeline now or in the future. Existing property owners that do not initially request a meter are not precluded from requesting a meter in the future.
Connections: Do you want to receive service?
- What if I don't want to receive service now?
There is no obligation for anyone to connect to the pipeline now or in the future. Existing property owners that do not initially request a meter are not precluded from requesting a meter in the future.
- Can I still use my private well?
Yes. Private wells can be kept for irrigation use, but domestic and irrigation water lines must be kept separate. The resident would be required to install a backflow preventor on the customer side of the meter, and to make any piping modifications on their property that may be required. This work must be done prior to SCV Water activating the meter.
Other Questions
- Will this pipeline project take the place of pursuing the restoration of Bouquet Creek providing for the removal of the limitation on releases?
No. The pipeline will provide a sustainable water supply from SCV Water’s water supply portfolio for the residents along Bouquet Canyon Road from Lily of the Valley to LARC. However, we also understand the benefits that the restoration of Bouquet Creek offers to local residents and are partnering with other stakeholders in support of the Bouquet Creek restoration.
History of LARC Ranch
After more than a five-year grant application process, in December 2021, SCV Water secured a $3.93 million grant from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to construct a permanent water supply for Los Angeles Residential Community (LARC) and Lily of the Valley (LOV) Mobile Village. Following the results of recent public bidding, SCV Water was able to work with the SWRCB to increase the grant funding to $8,071,025 to cover the increased project costs in today's market.
LARC and LOV operate community water systems for their residents, including wells, water storage tanks and onsite-piping networks. Due to extended drought conditions and the lack of groundwater recharge in the Bouquet Canyon Creek area, LARC had been unable to operate their wells since 2015 and forced to haul water to meet the needs of their residents. LOV relies on a single well that has been threatened by drought.
In addition to serving LARC and LOV, SCV Water is working to increase drought resiliency and reliability in this part of its service area for existing developments